Backend.iOS.PutDeviceToken() 함수 호출시 게임이 팅겨버립니다.
아래는 xcode상의 오류코드와 오류발생하는 위치입니다.
xcode log:
bravedog2(3626,0x1e0198300) malloc: *** error for object 0x10e4b1418: pointer being freed was not allocated
bravedog2(3626,0x1e0198300) malloc: *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
에러 발생하는 함수:
// System.String TheBackend.iOS.iOSInstance::getTokenByBackend()
IL2CPP_EXTERN_C IL2CPP_METHOD_ATTR String_t* iOSInstance_getTokenByBackend_mF739FF22EDF9727D5E59AA2E28A7CC889F3BD33D (const RuntimeMethod* method)
typedef char* (DEFAULT_CALL *PInvokeFunc) ();
// Native function invocation
char* returnValue = reinterpret_cast<PInvokeFunc>(getTokenByBackend)();
// Marshaling of return value back from native representation
String_t* _returnValue_unmarshaled = NULL;
_returnValue_unmarshaled = il2cpp_codegen_marshal_string_result(returnValue);
// Marshaling cleanup of return value native representation
returnValue = NULL;
return _returnValue_unmarshaled;