Param.Parse 문의

고객님의 문의에 답변하는 직원은 고객 여러분의 가족 중 한 사람일 수 있습니다.
고객의 언어폭력(비하, 조롱, 욕설, 협박, 성희롱 등)으로부터 직원을 보호하기 위해
관련 법에 따라 수사기관에 필요한 조치를 요구할 수 있으며, 형법에 의해 처벌 대상이 될 수 있습니다.

커뮤니티 이용 정책에 위배되는 게시물을 작성할 경우, 별도 안내 없이 게시물 삭제 또는 커뮤니티 이용이 제한될 수 있습니다.

문의 응대 : 평일 오전 10시 ~ 오후 6시
문의를 남기실 경우 다음 항목을 작성해 주세요.
정보가 부족하거나 응대시간 외 문의하는 경우 확인 및 답변이 지연될 수 있습니다.

  • 뒤끝 SDK 버전 : 5.15.0
  • 프로젝트명 : 뉴클래스
  • 스테이터스 코드 :
  • 에러 코드 :
  • 에러 메시지 :

5.11.7 SDK 사용하다가 5.15.0 으로 업데이트 했는데 이후에 없던 에러가 갑자기 발생 합니다.

Param.Parse(string) 기능 사용하는데

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Length cannot be less than zero.
Parameter name: length

해당 에러가 발생을 하네요 Json 데이터는 문제 없고 SDK 업데이트 전까지는 아무 문제 없이 이용하던 코드입니다ㅜㅜ SDK 자체에 무슨 문제가 있는것인지 체크 부탁 드립니다.

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Length cannot be less than zero.
Parameter name: length
at System.String.Ctor (System.Char[] value, System.Int32 startIndex, System.Int32 length) [0x00026] in <51fded79cd284d4d911c5949aff4cb21>:0
at System.String.CreateString (System.Char[] val, System.Int32 startIndex, System.Int32 length) [0x00000] in <51fded79cd284d4d911c5949aff4cb21>:0
at (wrapper managed-to-managed) System.String…ctor(char[],int,int)
at WgnkMFRLKZxOfY7SG6b.MasyCjR2OqoJx2vHion.ToString () [0x00000] in :0
at BackEnd.BackndNewtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.uQ3sMgou7G () [0x000d9] in :0
at BackEnd.BackndNewtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.wihsDX0ZEI () [0x00122] in :0
at BackEnd.BackndNewtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.Read () [0x0005a] in :0
at BackEnd.BackndNewtonsoft.Json.Linq.JContainer.G4C8M2I6jR (BackEnd.BackndNewtonsoft.Json.JsonReader , BackEnd.BackndNewtonsoft.Json.Linq.JsonLoadSettings ) [0x0027d] in :0
at BackEnd.BackndNewtonsoft.Json.Linq.JContainer.W7q8DwjIJm (BackEnd.BackndNewtonsoft.Json.JsonReader , BackEnd.BackndNewtonsoft.Json.Linq.JsonLoadSettings ) [0x00036] in :0
at BackEnd.BackndNewtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Load (BackEnd.BackndNewtonsoft.Json.JsonReader reader, BackEnd.BackndNewtonsoft.Json.Linq.JsonLoadSettings settings) [0x0007d] in :0
at BackEnd.BackndNewtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse (System.String json, BackEnd.BackndNewtonsoft.Json.Linq.JsonLoadSettings settings) [0x0000e] in :0
at BackEnd.BackndNewtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse (System.String json) [0x00000] in :0
at BackEnd.Param.Parse (System.String jsonString) [0x00001] in :0

Litjson,JsonMapper 사용해서 JsonData로 변환해서 넣으면 들어가긴 하는데 데이터 형식이 달라서 해당 방법으로 이용은 어려울 것 같습니다.

그리고 해당 문제 때문에 ‘GM도둑’ 계정 데이터가 이상하게 덮어씌워져서 데이터를 제대로 불러오지 못하고 있는데 해당 계정 최근 백업 데이터로 덮어씌울 수 있을까요

@Ransiee 안녕하세요 다른글에는 답변을 주시는데 해당 글은 답변이 없으셔서 확인 요청 드립니다. 해당 내용 확인중인걸까요?

안녕하세요, 개발자님.
확인이 완료된 순차대로 답변이 진행되고 있습니다.
문의하신 내용은 확인하여 안내드리도록 하겠습니다.
시간 양해 부탁드립니다.

개발자님, 문의하신 내용의 정확한 확인을 위해 몇가지 추가 정보를 요청드립니다.

  • Get 부분 코드
  • class 파싱인 경우 class 정보
  • 백업이 필요한 데이터 정보
  1. Get 부분 코드라면 어떤 코드를 말씀하시는 걸까요? Param.Parse 는 TransactionValue.SetUpdateV2, ransactionValue.SetInsert 부분에서 사용하고 있습니다.

  2. Class 파싱이 아닌 저장된 Json 파일을 그대로 string으로 불러와서 넣고 있습니다.

  3. ‘GM도둑’ 계정의 모든 데이터를 해당 문의 이전 백업 데이터로 덮어씌울 수 없을까요? 전체 정보입니다.

5.11.9 로 다시 다운그레이드 하니 아무 문제 없이 작동합니다. 5.11.9 → 5.15.0 업데이트 과정에서 Param.Parse 부분이 어떻게 수정됐는지 체크 좀 부탁드립니다.

***해당 에러가 발생했던 string 형식
“Count_30”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_32”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_31”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“HaveOption_6”: {
“value”: “9_6”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_79”: {
“value”: “10_6/11_4/3_5/9_4/10_4/5_4”,
“__type”: “string”
“HaveOption_7”: {
“value”: “9_6”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_78”: {
“value”: “6_5/10_6/12_6/12_4/9_4/7_4”,
“__type”: “string”
“HaveOption_8”: {
“value”: “9_6”,
“__type”: “string”
“HaveOption_9”: {
“value”: “9_6”,
“__type”: “string”
“HaveOption_2”: {
“value”: “1_6”,
“__type”: “string”
“HaveOption_3”: {
“value”: “9_6”,
“__type”: “string”
“HaveOption_4”: {
“value”: “9_6”,
“__type”: “string”
“HaveOption_5”: {
“value”: “9_6”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_71”: {
“value”: “8_2/8_5/9_2/13_5/12_2”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_70”: {
“value”: “9_2/11_2/3_4/8_2/11_2”,
“__type”: “string”
“HaveOption_0”: {
“value”: “1_6”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_73”: {
“value”: “3_5/1_5/2_4/7_2/11_6”,
“__type”: “string”
“HaveOption_1”: {
“value”: “1_6”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_72”: {
“value”: “9_2/2_3/11_2/1_5/4_5”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_74”: {
“value”: “2_4/3_6/1_4/11_3/9_2”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_77”: {
“value”: “11_6/5_4/4_5/8_4/7_5/11_4”,
“__type”: “string”
“Count_38”: {
“value”: 51,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_37”: {
“value”: 60,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_39”: {
“value”: 45,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_34”: {
“value”: 3,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_33”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_36”: {
“value”: 54,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_35”: {
“value”: 52,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_21”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_20”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“SpawnOption_82”: {
“value”: “9_5/7_4/3_5/10_5/1_5/11_6”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_81”: {
“value”: “9_6/1_4/7_5/12_4/4_4/2_6”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_84”: {
“value”: “7_5/10_4/1_4/11_4/12_6/1_4”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_83”: {
“value”: “3_4/2_4/13_6/6_4/1_4/6_4”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_86”: {
“value”: “3_4/10_4/7_5/1_4/10_4/10_4”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_85”: {
“value”: “7_4/4_4/11_4/8_4/9_4/11_5”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_88”: {
“value”: “3_4/4_4/12_6/1_4/11_5/5_5”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_87”: {
“value”: “10_6/11_4/1_5/1_4/11_4/10_4”,
“__type”: “string”
“Count_27”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_26”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_29”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_28”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_23”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_22”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_25”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“SpawnOption_80”: {
“value”: “7_5/9_5/13_4/6_4/13_5/12_6”,
“__type”: “string”
“Count_24”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_52”: {
“value”: 2,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_51”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_54”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_53”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_50”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“SpawnOption_57”: {
“value”: “8_5/5_6/2_2/4_3”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_56”: {
“value”: “7_4/4_4/9_5/9_1”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_59”: {
“value”: “9_2/5_3/2_1/12_4”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_58”: {
“value”: “11_2/12_1/1_4/8_4”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_51”: {
“value”: “2_6/4_4/10_3”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_50”: {
“value”: “6_1/9_3/11_2”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_53”: {
“value”: “5_1/2_1/4_1”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_52”: {
“value”: “11_2/9_4/1_1”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_55”: {
“value”: “5_1/13_3/7_4/9_3”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_54”: {
“value”: “9_1/2_6/5_1”,
“__type”: “string”
“Count_59”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_56”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_55”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_58”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_57”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_41”: {
“value”: 45,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_40”: {
“value”: 61,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_43”: {
“value”: 43,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_42”: {
“value”: 51,
“__type”: “int”
“SlotNumber”: {
“value”: 0,
“__type”: “int”
“SpawnOption_68”: {
“value”: “10_6/10_3/11_3/5_2/6_2”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_67”: {
“value”: “13_4/10_3/11_4/13_5/8_2”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_69”: {
“value”: “2_3/13_5/7_2/5_4/10_2”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_60”: {
“value”: “3_1/13_1/2_1/2_5”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_62”: {
“value”: “12_6/5_1/3_6/1_3”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_61”: {
“value”: “13_6/13_4/3_4/6_2”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_64”: {
“value”: “2_3/2_4/4_5/9_3”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_63”: {
“value”: “5_1/8_3/5_2/12_2”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_66”: {
“value”: “12_2/10_3/8_2/4_5/3_3”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_65”: {
“value”: “10_4/9_2/9_2/6_4/7_3”,
“__type”: “string”
“Count_49”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_48”: {
“value”: 2,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_45”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_44”: {
“value”: 41,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_47”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_46”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“HaveOption_95”: {
“value”: “1_6/9_6/12_6/5_6/13_6/8_6/4_6”,
“__type”: “string”
“HaveOption_94”: {
“value”: “11_6/6_6/4_6/11_6/11_6/11_6/2_6”,
“__type”: “string”
“HaveOption_91”: {
“value”: “11_6/1_6/11_6/11_6/6_6/9_6/11_6”,
“__type”: “string”
“HaveOption_92”: {
“value”: “11_6/11_6/12_6/11_6/3_6/11_6/1_6”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_35”: {
“value”: “13_0/9_4/5_4”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_34”: {
“value”: “5_3/11_3”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_37”: {
“value”: “7_6/4_2/5_3”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_36”: {
“value”: “1_4/5_0/11_4”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_39”: {
“value”: “11_1/10_4/9_1”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_38”: {
“value”: “8_0/2_3/5_5”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_31”: {
“value”: “4_2/10_4”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_30”: {
“value”: “13_0/11_3”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_33”: {
“value”: “11_3/10_0”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_32”: {
“value”: “11_1/13_0”,
“__type”: “string”
“HaveOption_88”: {
“value”: “13_5/11_6/13_4/4_5/13_5/11_6”,
“__type”: “string”
“HaveOption_86”: {
“value”: “9_6/2_4/11_5/9_6/13_5/1_6”,
“__type”: “string”
“HaveOption_87”: {
“value”: “13_4/11_6/10_5/1_4/7_5/11_6”,
“__type”: “string”
“Nickname”: {
“value”: “가토”,
“__type”: “string”
“HaveOption_84”: {
“value”: “9_6/5_4/5_5/1_6/1_5/9_6”,
“__type”: “string”
“HaveOption_85”: {
“value”: “11_6/12_4/11_6/12_5/12_4/10_4”,
“__type”: “string”
“HaveOption_82”: {
“value”: “11_6/9_6/5_4/12_5/11_6/5_5”,
“__type”: “string”
“HaveOption_83”: {
“value”: “1_6/9_6/9_6/13_5/10_4/8_5”,
“__type”: “string”
“HaveOption_80”: {
“value”: “6_4/7_5/1_5/4_5/11_5/5_4”,
“__type”: “string”
“HaveOption_81”: {
“value”: “7_4/11_4/11_6/7_4/11_6/3_5”,
“__type”: “string”
“Count_9”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_8”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_7”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“SpawnOption_46”: {
“value”: “12_3/2_2/4_0”,
“__type”: “string”
“Count_6”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“SpawnOption_45”: {
“value”: “2_3/7_0/1_3”,
“__type”: “string”
“Count_5”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“SpawnOption_48”: {
“value”: “8_0/11_3/4_0”,
“__type”: “string”
“Count_4”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“SpawnOption_47”: {
“value”: “6_0/2_4/9_4”,
“__type”: “string”
“Count_3”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_2”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“SpawnOption_49”: {
“value”: “13_0/4_1/9_1”,
“__type”: “string”
“Count_1”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_0”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“SpawnOption_40”: {
“value”: “7_2/1_4/7_1”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_42”: {
“value”: “10_5/9_4/9_2”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_41”: {
“value”: “3_2/11_5/12_0”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_44”: {
“value”: “8_1/6_3/8_2”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_43”: {
“value”: “2_3/2_3/12_4”,
“__type”: “string”
“HaveOption_79”: {
“value”: “11_6/13_4/11_5/11_4/12_4/11_6”,
“__type”: “string”
“HaveOption_77”: {
“value”: “11_6/1_5/13_4/9_4/13_6/11_6”,
“__type”: “string”
“HaveOption_78”: {
“value”: “5_4/2_6/11_4/9_4/11_6/11_6”,
“__type”: “string”
“HaveOption_73”: {
“value”: “11_6/2_2/11_6/7_6/3_2”,
“__type”: “string”
“HaveOption_74”: {
“value”: “9_6/1_6/3_3/2_5/9_2”,
“__type”: “string”
“Count_10”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“HaveOption_71”: {
“value”: “6_5/12_4/9_6/9_6/3_4”,
“__type”: “string”
“HaveOption_72”: {
“value”: “7_4/9_2/4_4/8_2/7_2”,
“__type”: “string”
“HaveOption_70”: {
“value”: “1_3/2_4/1_2/9_6/9_6”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_13”: {
“value”: “1_2”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_12”: {
“value”: “1_5”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_15”: {
“value”: “9_1/5_2”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_14”: {
“value”: “12_3”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_17”: {
“value”: “10_3/10_2”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_16”: {
“value”: “6_2/8_0”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_19”: {
“value”: “13_0/4_2”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_18”: {
“value”: “10_1/6_3”,
“__type”: “string”
“Count_19”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“SpawnOption_11”: {
“value”: “4_1”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_10”: {
“value”: “10_4”,
“__type”: “string”
“Count_16”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_15”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_18”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“HaveOption_68”: {
“value”: “9_6/5_3/4_3/9_2/9_6”,
“__type”: “string”
“Count_17”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“HaveOption_69”: {
“value”: “8_2/2_2/11_6/9_6/9_6”,
“__type”: “string”
“Count_12”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“HaveOption_66”: {
“value”: “9_6/5_4/5_4/10_4/9_6”,
“__type”: “string”
“Count_11”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“HaveOption_67”: {
“value”: “9_6/7_6/6_5/9_6/1_3”,
“__type”: “string”
“Count_14”: {
“value”: 2,
“__type”: “int”
“HaveOption_64”: {
“value”: “11_3/9_6/3_4/6_1”,
“__type”: “string”
“Count_13”: {
“value”: 1,
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“HaveOption_27”: {
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“HaveOption_25”: {
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“HaveOption_23”: {
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“HaveOption_21”: {
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“__type”: “string”
“HaveOption_19”: {
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“__type”: “string”
“HaveOption_17”: {
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“__type”: “string”
“HaveOption_18”: {
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“__type”: “string”
“HaveOption_15”: {
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“__type”: “string”
“HaveOption_16”: {
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“__type”: “string”
“HaveOption_13”: {
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“__type”: “string”
“HaveOption_14”: {
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“__type”: “string”
“HaveOption_11”: {
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“HaveOption_12”: {
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“__type”: “string”
“HaveOption_10”: {
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“__type”: “string”
“Count_74”: {
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“__type”: “int”
“Count_73”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_70”: {
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“__type”: “int”
“Count_72”: {
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“Count_71”: {
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“Count_78”: {
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“Count_77”: {
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“Count_79”: {
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“__type”: “int”
“Count_63”: {
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“__type”: “int”
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“__type”: “int”
“Count_62”: {
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“__type”: “int”
“Count_65”: {
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“__type”: “int”
“Count_64”: {
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“__type”: “int”
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“__type”: “int”
“Egg_3”: {
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“__type”: “int”
“Count_61”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“Egg_4”: {
“value”: 0,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_60”: {
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“__type”: “int”
“Egg_5”: {
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“__type”: “int”
“Egg_0”: {
“value”: 56,
“__type”: “int”
“Egg_1”: {
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“__type”: “int”
“Count_67”: {
“value”: 2,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_66”: {
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“__type”: “int”
“Count_69”: {
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“__type”: “int”
“Count_68”: {
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“Count_95”: {
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“Count_92”: {
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“__type”: “int”
“Count_91”: {
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“__type”: “int”
“Count_94”: {
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“__type”: “int”
“SpawnOption_92”: {
“value”: “11_6/4_6/4_6/10_6/11_6/5_6/13_6”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_95”: {
“value”: “1_6/2_6/11_6/11_6/11_6/11_6/7_6”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_94”: {
“value”: “6_6/7_6/12_6/6_6/4_6/5_6/6_6”,
“__type”: “string”
“SpawnOption_91”: {
“value”: “11_6/12_6/10_6/9_6/7_6/8_6/13_6”,
“__type”: “string”
“Count_85”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_84”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_87”: {
“value”: 1,
“__type”: “int”
“Count_86”: {
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“__type”: “int”
“Count_81”: {
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“Count_80”: {
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“__type”: “int”
“Count_83”: {
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“__type”: “int”
“Count_82”: {
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“__type”: “int”
“Count_88”: {
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“__type”: “int”

좋아요 1

개발자님, 문의하신 내용은 확인 중에 있으며,
GM도둑 유저의 데이터 롤백이 먼저 진행되어 안내드립니다. (11월 11일 04시)
다른 문의는 확인이 완료되는대로 추가 답변드리겠습니다.
시간 양해 부탁드립니다.

기다려주셔서 감사합니다.
Param.Parse(LitJson.JsonData)가 정상적으로 작동하지 않는 문제가 수정된
SDK 5.15.1 버전이 업데이트 되었습니다, ☞ 다운로드 바로가기
확인하여 이용해 주시면 감사하겠습니다.
이용에 불편을 드려 죄송합니다.

좋아요 1